We are going to Las Vegas next week and contemplating bring our clubs. What time is the latest that we will be able to play due to lack of light? I see a lot of courses have twilight rates starting at 2 or 2:30, but then I see sunset posted at 4:53. You can%26#39;t fit 18 holes in if you don%26#39;t start until 2:30 right?
Golf tee times and sunset1pm is about the latest you can start and still have a reasonable chance of getting in 18 holes. A couple courses have lights for night play, i.e. Callaway and Angel Park.
Golf tee times and sunsetYOu can also buy discount rounds of golf for two people through the Las Vegas Radio Shopping Show. Info at www.kshp.com
here are my thoughts; bringing clubs usually cost money these days though baggage fees. You might want to consider renting clubs and bring your shoes and other smaller items.
You are going to Vegas from Buffalo for goodness sakes, pay the costs and enjoy your round. It gets chilly in the evening in Vegas. You must be under a couple of feet of snow by now. :) The warmer than Buffalo weather will be good for you. If you gamble at all, the money saved by staying out of the casino will pay the green fees. Treat yourself and enjoy a nice round. You%26#39;ll be in Vegas.
I can play 18 in 2 hours if no one is in my way. That is not likely with twilight rates though. You might want to call the course and check on twilight times. These times change due to it getting darker earlier in winter months. They don%26#39;t always get updated on-line.
Note that the lighted courses are not full size par 72 courses.
ah the beauty of Southwest Airlines. No fee for checking clubs as your second bag. Thanks for all the info. We may try to get tee times around 12pm.
Play during the weekdays and you can play some very nice courses for $100 or less even in the morning. Right now is th eleast expensive time of year to play.